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Successfully pursue your life’s goals by managing your condition

Bipolar disorder is not a rare disorder by any means. In the US, about 2.8 % of American adults have been diagnosed with it. But this does not mean that its effects and aftermaths are less devastating.

From difficulty in managing day-to-day tasks, whether at school or work, to feelings of instability and recklessness that lead them to harm themselves and others, managing bipolar disorder is a must to live a life that is on their own terms.

Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Children

  • Elevated mood, commonly showing signs of excitable behavior followed by depression
  • Experimenting with risky behaviors
  • Either sleeping too much or too little
  • Experiencing feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Suicide ideation

Bipolar disorder shares many symptoms with ADHD, so it is crucial to consult with a medical professional when you spot these symptoms in your child.

Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Adults

Bipolar disorder usually manifests itself differently between men and women. Relapse is more common among women, for example. They usually have milder episodes of mania, too, and have more depressive episodes. On the other hand, men experience more severe episodes that are usually manic ones. They are also more likely to have substance abuse issues.

How Behavioral Health Care Interventions Can Help

With the right treatment and interventions, bipolar disorder can be managed. Our mental and behavioral healthcare professionals at Grace Inspire Behavioral Health Care work with patients to come up with the right combination of medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes for their unique situation. Other options may also include electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), acupuncture, as well as supplements, and sleep medications.

Take the Reins of Your Mental Health Today

… and take control of your life too. See how we can help you by scheduling an appointment with one of our mental health professionals here. You may also opt for an online consultation for your convenience. For more of your inquiries, feel free to send us a message here.